Useful links

Sources of historical information about Oxford and Oxfordshire

Bodleian Libraries – Oxfordshire documents
The Bodleian Libraries in Oxford hold an extensive collection of historic documents relating to Oxfordshire. Click on the link above for a searchable index to these holdings. Information about how to get a reader’s card so that you can view documents held in the Bodleian is here.

Bodleian Libraries – list of estate and parish maps (including Oxfordshire) up to 1850

Bodleian Libraries – Local Views Index

Oxford history – Stephanie Jenkins

Oxford suburbs 1800-2001 (Your house, my house)

Oxford workhouses on Peter Higginbotham’s workhouse website

Oxfordshire Health Archives

Oxfordshire Heritage Search


St Sepulchre’s Cemetery, Jericho, Oxford

Street and trade directories, Oxfordshire

South Oxford local history

Victoria County History (VCH) – Oxford


Oxford and Oxfordshire historians

Jess Worth (aka Lady Gargoyle) – Oxford tour guide

Joanna Inness – Life in the [Oxford] Floodplain

Julie Ann Godson –  Oxfordshire historian and writer

Mark Davies – Oxfordshire historian, speaker, tour guide and writer

Maurice East – Oxford historian, speaker and tour guide


Oxford and Oxfordshire organisations concerned with history

Museum of Oxford (MOx)

Oxford Archaeology

Oxford Civic Society (OCS)

Oxford college archives consortium

Oxford Preservation Trust (OPT)

Oxfordshire Architectural and Historical Society (OAHS)

Oxfordshire Buildings Record (OBR)

Oxfordshire History Centre (OHC)

Oxfordshire Local History Association (OLHA)

Oxfordshire Museum, Woodstock

Oxfordshire Record Society (ORS)

Soldiers of Oxfordshire Trust (SOFO)

Victoria County History (VCH) – Oxfordshire


Sources of historical information about Britain

Alan Godfrey – old ordnance survey maps

Britain from above – arial photographs, 1919-1953

Cassini historical maps

Grace’s Guide – British industrial history

Heritage Gateway – 40,000 architectural and archaeological records

Historic England – listed buildings

Historic England  – images collection

Historic Environment Image Resource

Vision of Britain 1801-2001 – maps, statistics & historical descriptions


National organisations concerned with history

British Association for Local History

Council for British Archaeology (CBA)

Twentieth Century Society

Victorian Society