Local history

Widford churchLocal history: how to do it!

A talk aimed mainly at WIs, U3As and other groups whose members may be interested in finding out how to go about researching the history of their local area. Have you ever wondered why the church is at one end of your village, rather than in the middle? Or what was on the corner of your street before that ugly block of flats was built? Are you investigating your family history and would like to know more about where your ancestors lived or the community they were part of? Growing numbers of people are enjoying researching the history of their local area, be it parish, village, town, suburb, street, or even a single building. Being a local historian is rather like being a detective – great fun – but hopefully without the risk of being kidnapped, shot or arrested! This talk aims to inspire and to inform, giving lots of ideas about where to start, what sources of information are available, and what to do with the results of all your hard work.

“Your talk struck just the right note for the experienced local historians amongst us as well as those just starting on that exciting journey. It will surely encourage members to embark on some research.”  Sally James, Bicester Local History Society, May 2017.

Contact me on 01865 242760 or liz@lizwoolley.co.uk to book this talk. 

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