Brewing in Oxford

Brewing in Oxford

Brewing was big business in Oxford from medieval times until the twentieth century, with dozens of commercial breweries, as well as brewhouses at all the existing colleges and at the castle prison and, later, at the Radcliffe Infirmary. Many brewers were men of wealth and influence, who built grand houses for themselves and their families. On this walk we’ll learn how these people came to dominate Oxford’s brewing trade, and see some of their residences and the brewery buildings, malthouses and pubs in which their beer was manufactured and consumed.  (Image courtesy of Simon Somerscales.)

Please note that the content of this walk overlaps to some extent with that of the St Thomas’s walk, the Industrial buildings walk, and the Beer, sausages and marmalade walk.

“We all thoroughly enjoyed being taken to parts of Oxford we’ve never been to, despite having lived around here for decades. The walk was fascinating and extremely informative, and I couldn’t believe how quickly the time went.”  Hilary Dix, West Oxfordshire WI, August 2024.

“Yesterday’s ‘Brewing’ walk went down extremely well with the whole group. I much appreciated the complex of architectural, political and social dimensions which you brought out so well. It will change the way I view the key buildings and locations you guided us through.”  Alex Pravda, Oxford resident, September 2023.

“Your guided walk was as stimulating and informative as ever – so many buildings one walks past without noticing, now given a whole backstory of understanding! We got a good crowd, and they were really appreciative.”  Brenda Stones, Writers in Oxford, March 2020.

“Liz shared so well the fruits of her research, passion and knowledge of the brewing and social history of Oxford. Her chosen route and commentary, supported by a magnificent handout, brought the story to life.”  Mick Connors, Brewery History Society, July 2018.

An illustrated talk on the subject of Brewing in Oxford is also available.

Contact me on 01865 242760 or to book the Brewing walk.

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