Children and war:
Experiences of the Second World War in Oxfordshire
Oxfordshire escaped major bombing during World War II but the county’s inhabitants were, none-the-less, heavily affected by the War. Preparations for possible attack and invasion altered the familiar landscape and everyday life in towns and villages was disrupted. Thousands of evacuees found refuge here and became part of residents’ homes and schools. This talk looks at how the lives of Oxfordshire children – both those born in the county and those evacuated here – were affected by World War II. It is likely to prompt older listeners to recall and share their own wartime experiences, whether from Oxfordshire or elsewhere. The talk is based on work done for the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Trust, whose major 2011-13 exhibition, Children and War, examined war-time evacuation, boy soldiers, war toys and commemoration, from the Boer War to the present day.
“We really enjoyed your talk, especially the stories of children’s experiences. But also I hadn’t realised how Oxfordshire fitted into the war effort, so that was a real revelation.” Barbara Allison, Charlbury Society, November 2020.
“I was amazed that so many members shared their own wartime memories. It was wonderful to see them so animated when remembering those experiences. You were really inspiring.” Inga Martin, West Oxford U3A, September 2019.
“Thank you for your interesting and deeply researched talk. You awakened memories of past experiences of wartime in many of our members.” Colin Sear, Thame Historical Society, September 2014.
“Everyone clearly enjoyed your talk – such an interesting subject, lovely to see so many good pictures, and we were all taken back to those years and couldn’t stop talking about it at the end!” Libby Calvert, Buckland WI, November 2013.
“Your lecture on Oxfordshire Children at War was your best so far. We all enjoyed the evening very much, which stirred a lot of memories for our older members and fascinated the younger ones.” Malcolm Kindell, Wootton, Dry Sandford and District History Society, March 2013.
Contact me on 01865 242760 or to book this talk.
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